Legal Disclaimer

Soul Masters DB is in no way affiliated with Soul Master Games LLC. Soul Masters characters, cards, logos, and art are property of Soul Master Games LLC.

Soul Masters DB is a fan-made deck building and stat-tracking site for the Soul Masters TCG created by Soul Master Games LLC..

Content on the site is for informational purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the trademark owners. Game stats are from online play and may not reflect the actual game. Many factors result in online play stats not accurately reflecting actual play, which include but are not limited to: Low-stakes play, testing-focused environment, player selection bias, random matchmaking, trying untested decks. Use at your own risk.


Remember Me Cookie

If you use the Remember Me function on the Login page to keep yourself logged in to your browser, a code is generated and associated with your account. That code is saved in your browser as a cookie. It allows your browser to login once your session on the server expires. To opt out of this cookie, do not use the Remember Me function.

Authorization Key Cookie

When you use Soul Masters DB, an "authorization key" is generated for you to use to authenticate actions taken on the site. This is what prevents others on the internet from executing actions on your behalf. This authentication key is stored as a cookie in your browser. It is necessary for the operation of the site. In order to not receive this cookie, you must not use the site.

Third Party Cookies

No third party cookies are used on the site.

Types of Data Collected

Account Data

When you create an account on Soul Masters DB, you provide a username, email, and password. This data is stored in a database. Your password is hashed before being stored. Your email is used to send you a verify ownership of the account if necessary. Your username is used to identify you on the site.

Deck Data

When you create a deck on Soul Masters DB, you provide a name for the deck and a list of cards. This data is stored in files on the server and in a database. An internal identifier is automatically created to uniquely identify the deck. The deck name is a convenience for you to identify the deck. The list of cards is used to display the deck and calculate statistics.

Usage Data

When you use Soul Masters DB, data is collected about your usage of the site. This data includes the pages you visit, the actions you take, and the time you spend on the site. This data is used to improve the site and to provide you with a better experience.

Data Retention Policy

Data is retained indefinitely or at the discretion of the administrator. Data may be deleted at any time for any reason. Please understand that while best efforts will be made to retain important user data, this is a fan made site and data loss may occur.

Right to be forgotten

Data may be deleted upon request by the user. Contact the administrator on our Discord server linked on the main page. In order to verify ownership of the account, you must be able to provide the email address associated with the account. Please understand that it may take some time to process the request, but it will be completed as soon as possible.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Soul Masters DB reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will be posted on this page, and your continued use of the site constitutes acceptance of the updated policy.


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